Education Policy

We, the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate, after the example of our founder St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, consider education ‘The integral formation of the human person for the fulfilment of his/her individual and social responsibilities. ‘Our educational endeavours aim at forming leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable; who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace and who are ever open to further growth.
The secret of the success of our educational institutions is a community of teachers who are committed to their vocation, professionally competent, morally upright, just and humane in dealings, and who grow in the true vision of education. We aspire towards creating a just and humane society where dignity of the human person is respected, where unjust social structures are challenged, where our cultural heritage of ahimsa, religious harmony and national integration is upheld, and where the poor and the marginalized are specially taken care of.
We have to reach out to the families, primarily of the students, to assist them in their needs, to share in their joys and sorrows, and to help them experience love and freedom so that the students realize that our educational institutions are an extension of their homes.
Our institutions are open to all students irrespective of caste and creed; they are accepted and cherished as they are and are helped to grow in their cultural, social and religious traditions. As they are privileged to be in our institutions, they will also have the right to get acquainted with the person of Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Being institutions established by and for a minority community based on religion, they will give preference to Christians in admissions and appointments and have a special concern for the faith formation of the Christian youth.
Our institutions are open to society at large by making their resources available for ongoing education and non-formal teaching. For the realization of this CMI goal of education, we expect students, parents and teachers to share this vision and to cooperate with us wholeheartedly.
You are the Light of the World
Our motto is taken from the Holy Bible Mathew 5:14. Imbibing this spirit, Christ School concentrates on the integral growth and total formation of the human person by leading the life in a righteous path. Light cannot be sordid. We make the students to apprehend that they are the light of the world and they must live uprightly to reveal the love of God. Let the light sparkle before others by doing good deeds essential to the well-being of the world.
Awakening every child to be the light of the world, by
inculcating Perfection of Character, Mental Supremacy and Spiritual Conscience.
Christ School is a fostering ground for the holistic development of every child to spread their radiance for the growth and excellence in the society.
- Faith in God
- Moral Uprightness
- Human and Healthy
- Intellectual Competency
- National Integration
The school Logo reflects the quintessence and values that the school upholds.
The Dove soaring high typifies the students to elevate themselves to lofty heights and not to look down even when there is turbulence, which will automatically force them to excel.
The symbolic representation of Christ School Bengaluru , in the form of Lamp signifies the enlightenment of mind and intellect.
The Triangle represents perfection and the source of unlimited potential.
The Circle symbolizes wholeness and oneness.The circles enclosing the triangle epitomizes a means of warding off negativity and generating positivism and protection.
The Rays emitting out of the triangle are the core values that one has to attain with all earnestness, sincerity and endeavour to radiate this light to every corner of the world.
The Rays emitting out of the triangle are the core values that one has to attain with all earnestness, sincerity and endeavour to radiate this light to every corner of the world.